- Boar's Board

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This is the boar...
...a strong and powerful animal who lives in total freedom, enjoying his environments and feeding on any available food, be they FPGAs, microcontrollers or operating systems!

This project was born from the idea of designing a board with an FPGA for didactic purposes, something that would allow hobbyists and electronic engineering students to learn how to use this type of programmable devices in a quick and easy way.

Numerous boards of this kind are already present on the market, so it seemed futile to replicate what has already been successfully implemented, therefore we decided to take a different path and avoid designing the usual FPGA board with a single function. We started thinking about something more original, which would combine different functions in a single board and at the same time be practical, easy and fun to use. Hence the concept of a board that integrates the world of hardware, firmware and operative systems: the Boar's Board!
The three worlds of electronic design (firmware, hardware and software) are matched in the Boar's Board...
...but you could decide to concentrate on what is more familiar to you and still exploit the full potential of the board!
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